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Food Program


Food Program

IMPORTANT: Environmental Health Services is transitioning to an online portal in 2024 to streamline the process of managing permits and billing. If you did not already respond to the postcard mailer or email that went out in November and December, please review the email (click here) for further instructions. It is critical that we collect contact information to designate someone as a primary user who will be responsible for managing your business’ online account.


All existing and new food facilities applying for a health permit may be required to comply with San Mateo County’s Disposable Food Service Ware Ordinance. For more information and free technical assistance, visit

As of January 2022, state law (SB 1383) requires large food generating entities to hold a contract or written agreement with a food recovery organization for the recovery of their surplus food for redistribution to those in need in the community. For more information, visit


Certified Farmers’ Markets

A Certified Farmers’ Market (CFM) allows certified producers to sell their agriculture products directly to consumers. A CFM may only be operated by one or more certified producers, by a nonprofit organization, or by a local government agency. Both the market and the certified producers must be certified by the State of California through the County Agricultural Commissioner. There are currently 19 CFMs that operate in the County of San Mateo and each market is permitted and inspected by  San Mateo County Environmental Health Services.


Food Facility Plan Check Process

The Food Facility Plan Check program reviews plans for all new and remodeled facilities to ensure they support public health and safety, and comply with local and state health codes. Plans must be received and approved before any construction or remodeling takes place.