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Unpermitted Food Vendors


Environmental Health Services’ (EHS) Food Program inspects food establishments to ensure laws and regulations are upheld to ensure food is prepared safely.

Unpermitted food vendors are not regulated or inspected by EHS.

Eating food from unpermitted food vendors increases your chances of getting sick.


Why is it DANGEROUS to eat food from an unpermitted food vendor?

  • Often don’t have access to a handwashing station or a bathroom
  • Those handling food may not have food safety training
  • Unknown where the food was purchased, prepared, or stored
  • Unsafe hot and cold food temperatures can lead to infectious bacterial growth
  • Food may be improperly cooked
  • Cooking equipment may be unsafe
  • Cooking equipment may be dirty
  • Disease carrying pests like rats, mice, and cockroaches may be present at the preparation site

What are some ways to identify an unpermitted food vendor?

  • May be selling food from the back of a vehicle, shopping cart, ice chest, or painted wood cart
  • May be going door-to-door
  • May be located in parking lots with a table and equipment set up
  • May be located on a street corner
  • May be selling from their garage or backyard
  • May be present outside a large venue like a concert, stadium, or show
  • No permit sticker visible on their vehicle or cart

How can I verify if a vendor is permitted?

  • Look for our unexpired decal on the vendor’s cart or vehicle

How do I report a potential unpermitted vendor?

  • Contact your city’s code enforcement to report an unpermitted vendor

I’m not sure if the vendor I ate from is permitted or not, but I got sick. How do I report it?

  • Submit a complaint through My EHS or call (650) 372-6200.

Support permitted vendors that comply with laws and regulations that keep the food you eat safe. 

Learn more about Environmental Health Services’ Food Program at