Division: Environmental Health Services
Environmental Health Services
IMPORTANT: Environmental Health Services is transitioning to an online portal in 2024 to streamline the process of managing permits and billing. If you did not already respond to the postcard mailer or email that went out in November and December, please review the email (click here) for further instructions. It is critical that we collect contact information to designate someone as a primary user who will be responsible for managing your business’ online account.
- Click here to pay your invoice online
- For a list of fees, visit smchealth.org/ehfees
- Click here to file a complaint
- Click here to request public records
Environmental Health Services ensures a safe and healthy environment in San Mateo County through education, regulation, and monitoring. Services include but are not limited to hazardous waste management, restaurant inspections, housing inspections, medical waste disposal, water protection, water quality monitoring, and pollution prevention.