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Parent Project Classes
668 Parents Graduated since 2013

Article Frances Lobos, Parent Project Program Coordinator

The Office of Diversity and Equity’s (ODE) mission is to provide services to many of our underserved populations.  This year, Parent Project® offered its first summer session since 2014! In collaboration with MidPen Housing in San Mateo, the course was offered in Spanish for the apartment complex residents as well as neighboring community members.

The participants received valuable resource information on local agencies like Samaritan House and Second Harvest, in addition to learning about Parent Project® topics such as managing conflict and active listening. ODE is grateful for the representatives from the Sheriff’s Office that provided presentations on gang involvement, drugs and alcohol use in youth, because many parents struggle facing these issues with their children.

Since the ODE Parent Project® course was approved for Measure K (previously Measure A) funding in 2013, 40 classes have been provided and 668 parents have graduated from the program.  

As a result, parents reported being 70% more satisfied with their relationship with their child after taking the class. There was a 38% increase in satisfaction with their parenting skills, and 85% reported being involved in their child’s life.

Parent Project classes will resume in September 2017.  More info.