Hawaiian Outrigger Canoe Paddling
San Mateo
Date: Sundays, 9:00 – 11:30 AM
Location: Coyote Point
Description: Aloha! Are you looking for a fun
way to get in or stay in shape? Are you competitive? Do you enjoy
being on the water? Do you like to eat and have fun? If you
answered yes to some of these questions, you might like outrigger
canoe paddling and our club. We come out to practice on Sunday
mornings at 9 am till around 11:30 a.m. As we get closer to the
race season (May – August), there will be much more training. But
for now, our once/week training will provide a great full body
work-out. Check out www.hpocc.com for details. Practice
in Foster City and at Coyote Point in San Mateo.