Schools and Lunch Program
Annual School Permits and Environmental Health Permit Fees – Starting July 1, 2017
San Mateo County Environmental Health Services (EHS) charges permit fees to cover the costs for our services. It has come to our attention that your school has not been invoiced annually for your school kitchen’s permit to operate, and EHS has been performing inspection services without receiving reimbursement for this service. Under current State and local laws – a valid permit to operate and payment of applicable fees are required in accordance with California Health and Safety Code Section 114381 and San Mateo County Ordinance Code Section 5.64.070 and 5.68.020.
Schools must have 2 inspections per year if participating in the National School Lunch Program, the funding for which usually includes reimbursement of health permit fees. According to the Federal Register Vol. 70, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 15, 2005 – Page 34268 Section IV – Concerns (enclosed) states:
“Schools may use school food service funds to pay associated costs that are directly attributable to compliance with the inspection requirement and that are otherwise permissible as allowable costs.”
We recommend you contact your reimbursement administrator for any clarification on reimbursement allowances from State or Federal funding mechanisms.
San Mateo County Environmental Health Services started issuing printed permits on an annual basis, July 2017 billing cycle. New permits will be mailed out to all permit holders, as the final step in invoice processing. Please post the permit in a visible location near your colored inspection placard.