Serenity House offers short-term mental health crisis care
Serenity House, a crisis residential center that opened in October, is set to offer clients and family members intervention services for adults experiencing a mental health crisis who need short-term 24/7 treatment and support. Located on the SMC Health Campus on the corner of 37th Avenue and Hacienda Street, the center has been extensively renovated with funds from Measure K.
Serenity House is overseen by Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) and operated under contract by HealthRIGHT360, a non-profit provider. Professional staff, including licensed clinicians, a nurse practitioner, case managers, a family advocate, and a cook will provide care and guidance to help clients reduce stress, refocus on their long-term goals, and successfully return to their living situations. Serenity House currently serves up to ten residents with an average stay of ten days.
The Serenity House program is voluntary and serves San Mateo County adults living with mental illness, who are experiencing extreme stress and are deteriorating in their current situation. Family members, law enforcement, and mental health providers may refer clients to Serenity House, or clients may refer themselves. Clients are evaluated by professional staff, who determine whether Serenity House is the right fit. The evaluation considers many factors, such as personal history, risk of hospitalization, and medical conditions. If clients qualify for Serenity House, they must agree to follow all program requirements and house rules.
Learn More About Serenity House
Read the Serenity House FAQ and
Read the story in Wellness Matters,
the BHRS newsletter.
Read an article in the
San Mateo Daily Journal.
Visit their website here.